Adoptee #: 8884

Name: Athos

Sex: Male

Birthday: 2024-09-21

Status: In Care

Location: FurryTales Foster

Came in with Aramis, Athos and Porthos

These kittens are so snugglesome! They love to be held and cuddled, they’re all very confident and friendly with ready purrs. I have had them for a week now and they’re doing well. Athos and Porthos are growing quickly and compete with each other for everything. They are always rolling around together, chasing each other’s tails and stealing each other’s toys. They all love jingly balls and pom pom toys. They adore having their ears and chins rubbed. Athos loves belly rubs.

Athos is the snuggliest kitten. Even in the middle of a wild play session, if I pet him, he’ll melt into a little black and white purring puddle. He loves to be held and to have his face and ears rubbed. His favourite toy is a crinkly poof-ball, for some reason he keeps putting it into the food dish. Whenever I come down, there it is, perched on top of the kibble. He has white feet with all black beans

Furry Tales requires all small kittens to be adopted with a playful companion or for there to be a friendly feline already in the adoptive home. Kittens are social beings and companionship is an important part of their development.