Adoptee #: 8735

Name: Camilo

Sex: Male

Birthday: 2024-07-17

Status: In Care

Location: FurryTales Foster

Moms are Isibela and Julieta, kittens are Alma, Antonio, Bruno, Dolores, Luis, Ozma ,Pepa and Pico

Camilo is a very well rounded little guy with a perfect little personality. Half spit fire and half sweet, innocent and charming. This guy is such a charmer. Comes over and gives you his innocent face and smile so you will snuggle him or play. He likes to play with friends but is also very good at independent play and will find himself a scratcher, tower or toys to entertain himself. He is also a very avid climber and will crawl up your leg for snuggles. Happy to sleep in a lap, with a sibbling or on his own. This guy is really charming an affectionate. Such a sweet character. He will be the perfect addition to any home. Loves, kids, cats and big kids.

Furry Tales requires all small kittens to be adopted with a playful companion or for there to be a friendly feline already in the adoptive home. Kittens are social beings and companionship is an important part of their development.