Adoptee #: 8921

Name: Cord

Sex: Male

Birthday: 2024-09-30

Status: Available for Adoption

Location: FurryTales Foster

Mom is Ribbon, Siblings are Braid, Cord, Knot and Twine

Cord is the most outgoing kitten. He loves to run around the room and explore and play with people or new toys. Any of the kittens could be adopted with any of the others. This group is super friendly and confident around people.

Cord is the most outgoing kitten– if there’s anything going on, Cord wants to be there and be a part of it. He’s super fluffy and loves to galumph around the room. He enjoys playing with the other kittens and with us, and he’s quite fearless.

Furry Tales requires all small kittens to be adopted with a playful companion or for there to be a friendly feline already in the adoptive home. Kittens are social beings and companionship is an important part of their development.